
The Blog is all about my experience on Amazon Cloud

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Access to Amazon Cloud [AWS]

 In order to test our application, we definitely need access to amazon cloud. After some searching on the Internet, i found out that amazon has this great program about giving free limited access to Students,Faculty and Researchers. In order to avail this facility, you need to provide little about yourself and your project idea or course you are teaching. It took approximately a month before they approved my application.

Once you are granted credits, you need to verify yourself and complete the process before you can access AWS. You would need a credit card for that. Once your card is verified, they will call you with asking for an authentication code[which is already shown on registration page]. Once authenticated, you are all set to use Amazon Web Services. Enjoy

For any queries, reply to this post


It all started with our Final Year Project. As a final year student of BS. Computer Science, we are all expected to work on a project for the whole year. As the deadline was approaching we all needed to come up with an idea. We[I and my team] came up different ideas but my friend got this bright idea on working on cloud. At first we were a little confused as what we were going to do.
- Should we build our own cloud? [which by the way we're doing as a project in a separate course]
- Should we build a cloud application?
- Or peruse some research work on Cloud?

we all agreed to on building a cloud application as that seemed to be the most easiest of the above.Once we were done with deciding on our idea, we were faced with another question. which cloud provider to use?
- Windows Azure
- Amazon Web Service
- Google Cloud

For us, windows azure seemed to be the most favorite option due to several reasons. First of all, it supported off line development[it simulates a cloud fabric on local machine]. And second we're already familiar with .Net platform so it would be comparatively easy to develop application as compared to developing cloud application Google Cloud[it only supports Python]. We weren't much enthusiastic about Amazon Cloud as we didn't had access to amazon cloud and we weren't sure about whether the final application that we may build would work without any problems on Amazon Cloud.

But as our advisor[he had past experience on Amazon Cloud] was adamant on working Amazon Cloud. And as he hold majority of our marks we had to agree with our advisor. He was excited on working on cloud and apparently so were we..No Surprise There. Right?