
The Blog is all about my experience on Amazon Cloud


The diagram below presents different hardware components used by the Islamic Banking System. In this diagram multiple Client Applications are shown. Here each application represents an instance of Islamic Banking System used by a single bank.

Clients are connected to a highly available service layer that manages user-generated analysis tasks. Since each task may be composed of millions of path traversals, these can be delivered into an elastic set of Objectivity/DB-based search agents hosted in the cloud. Due to Objectivity/DB's unique distributed architecture, it does not rely on a single database server to perform queries, allowing the load of the database and link hunting operations to be distributed evenly across the cloud.
This type of deployment is perfectly suited to systems with extremely high peak or continuous loads from thousands of concurrent users. During high demand, additional cloud resources can be provisioned to instantly increase the power of Objectivity/DB. When load resumes to normal levels, cloud resources can be trimmed to suit demand, achieving the ultimate mix of performance and efficiency.


The system will operate on the following software:
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
The application of Islamic Banking System will be deployed on Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The reason for this choice is security. Amazon VPC provides access to the cloud via Virtual Private Network. As a result it is more secure as compare to any public cloud.
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
The application of Islamic Banking System will use Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) as its main database. Amazon RDS is a web service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while managing time-consuming database administration task.
Another reason for the selection for this database is that Amazon RDS gives access to the full capabilities of a familiar MySQL database. This means the code, applications, and tools we already use today with our existing MySQL databases work seamlessly with Amazon RDS. Amazon RDS automatically patches the database software and backs up database, storing the backups for a user-defined retention period and enabling point-in-time recovery.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS):
The application will also use Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) as a storage medium for all other type of data not stored in Amazon RDS.

The system will be developed on the following development tools:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:
The reason for the selection of this tool is its supports RAD (Rapid Application Development) process. Furthermore MS VS 2010 is a complete package which provides almost all the necessary tools to develop the Islamic banking system.

Communications Interfaces
The system use following communication interfaces:
- Amazon Simple Query Service (SQS):  Islamic banking system will use Amazon SQS for interaction with its database (i.e. Amazon RDS).
- Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS):   It will be used for all types of Notifications generated by the application on cloud. Since this service is provided and supported by Amazon Cloud it will reduce maintenance of Islamic Banking application cost, effort and time.
Web Browser:
Since Islamic Banking System is deployed on Cloud which is placed on internet. A web-browser will be used to its users to interact with the application. HTTP and REST protocols will be used for communication over the network.